ARTIV (Augmented Reality Techniques for Immersive Visualization) was a series of collaborative projects with Ericsson’s GAIA Centre in Montréal. The projects explored combining headworn augmented reality and mobile computing devices to help users interpret and understand data. Researchers on ARTIV worked on multiple sub-projects, including:
- Gander: Developed by Hubert Hu, Gander is an AR+tablet system for understanding geospatial information. In particular, Gander supports the visualization of multiple geospatial attributes to identify spatial autocorrelation and other effects, the selection of geospatial attributes when forming regression models, and the presentation of multiple models for visual comparison. The project was named after the expression “to take a gander” and Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador.
- ARTIV BCI: Developed by Hariprashanth Deivasigamani as a way to better view and analyze brain-computer interface (BCI) data.
- VIZSSTA: Developed by Ramanpreet Kaur as a way to better view and analyze space syntax data.
Gander: Preliminary Design and Evaluation of an AR + Tablet System for Geospatial Analysis Proceedings Article Forthcoming
In: IEEE Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2024) Adjunct Proceedings (MASK 2024), Forthcoming.
Comparative Glyph-Field Trajectory Analyses with an AR+Tablet Hybrid User Interface for Geospatial Analysis Tasks Proceedings Article
In: Normand, Jean-Marie; Sugimoto, Maki; Sundstedt, Veronica (Ed.): ICAT-EGVE 2023 - International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments, The Eurographics Association, 2023.
Parallax-based Glyph Composition Technique with Colour-Blending Glyphs Proceedings
The Eurographics Association, 2023.