
141 entries « 3 of 3 »


Derek Reilly; Mohamad Salimian; Stephen Brooks

Document-Centric Mixed Reality and Informal Communication in a Brazilian Neurological Institution Conference

CSCW 2013, 2013.

BibTeX | Tags: mixed presence


Ken Leung; Derek Reilly; Kate Hartman; Suzanne Stein; Emma Westecott

Limber: DIY Wearables for Reducing Risk of Office Injury Conference

Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction (TEI '12), Kingston, Canada, 2012.

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Fareena Chanda; Nermin Moufti; Derek Reilly

InNEED: Managing Natural Disasters through Community Self-Organization using Mobile Technology Conference

Workshop on Collaboration and Crisis Informatics (CCI), CSCW 2012, 2012.

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Anthony Tang; Nelson Wong; Jonathan Massey; Derek Reilly; W. Keith Edwards

Verbal Coordination in First Person Shooter Game Conference

Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW '12), Seattle, USA, 2012.

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Dustin Freeman; Kyle Duffield; Kate Hartman; Emma Westecott; Derek Reilly

Tweetris: Play With Me Conference

Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction (TEI 2012), 2012.

BibTeX | Tags: Tweetris

Derek Reilly; Dustin Freeman; Fanny Chevalier; Kyle Duffield; Kate Hartman; Emma Westecott

Tweetris: Play With Me (curated exhibit) Presentation

01.01.2012, (Nocturne: Art at Night festival, Halifax NS winner, artist award (among 84 installations) and Antigonight 2013).

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Derek Reilly

Reaching the same point: effects on consistency when pointing at objects in the physical environment without feedback Journal Article

In: International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, vol. 69, no. 1–2, pp. 9–18, 2011.

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Andy Wu; Derek Reilly; Anthony Tang; Ali Mazalek

Tangible Navigation and Object Manipulation in Virtual Environments Conference

Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction (TEI '11), Funchal, Portugal, 2011.

BibTeX | Tags: mixed presence

Derek Reilly; Anthony Tang; Andy Wu; Niels Mathiasen; Andy Echenique; Jonathan Massey; Hafez Rouzati

Toward a Framework for Prototyping Physical Interfaces in Multiplayer Gaming: TwinSpace Experiences Conference

Proceedings of International Conference on Entertainment Computing (ICEC 2011), vol. 6972, LNCS Springer, 2011.

BibTeX | Tags: mixed presence

Derek Reilly; Anthony Tang; Andy Wu; Andy Echenique; Jonathan Massey; Niels Mathiasen; Ali Mazalek; W. Keith Edwards

Organic UIs in Cross-Reality Spaces Conference

Second International Workshop on Organic User Interfaces, TEI 2011, 2011.

BibTeX | Tags: mixed presence


Derek Reilly; Hafez Rouzati; Andy Wu; Jeremy Brudvik; Jee-Yeon Hwang; W. Keith Edwards

TwinSpace: an infrastructure for cross-reality team spaces Conference

In Proc. ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST '10), ACM, New York, USA, 2010.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: mixed presence

Derek Reilly; Stephen Voida; Matt McKeon; Christopher Le Dantec; Jonathan Bunde-Pedersen; W. Keith Edwards; Elizabeth Mynatt; Ali Mazalek

Space Matters: Physical-Digital and Physical-Virtual Co-Design in the Inspace Project Journal Article

In: IEEE Pervasive Computing, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 54–63, 2010.

BibTeX | Tags: mixed presence

Derek Reilly; Anthony Tang; Andy Wu; Andy Echenique; Shashank Chamoli; Jonathan Massey; W. Keith Edwards

Or de l'Acadie: a TwinSpace demo Conference

UIST 2010, 2010.

BibTeX | Tags: mixed presence

Andy Wu; Derek Reilly; Jee-Yeon Hwang; Andy Echenique; Enrique Santos; W. Keith Edwards

A Tangible, Cross-Reality Supermarket interface Conference

3DUI 2010, 2010.

BibTeX | Tags: mixed presence


Derek Reilly; Kori Inkpen; Carolyn Watters

Getting the Picture: how feedback and layout impact mobile device interaction with maps on physical media Conference

Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC'09), Linz, Austria, 2009, (Best paper nomination).

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Derek Reilly; Bonnie MacKay; Carolyn Watters; Kori Inkpen

Planners, Navigators, and Pragmatists: wayfinding in pairs with a single mobile phone Journal Article

In: Journal of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 2009.

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Derek Reilly; Kori Inkpen; Carolyn Watters

Controlling, integrating, and engaging context in urban computing research Conference

Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-42), Waikoloa, USA, 2009.

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Derek Reilly; Bonnie Mackay; Carolyn Watters; Kori Inkpen

Small details: using one device to navigate together Conference

CSCW 2008, 2008.

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Derek Reilly; Bonnie MacKay; Kori Inkpen

How mobile maps cooperate with existing navigational infrastructure Book


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Derek Reilly

Group navigation: small interventions, early prototypes, experimental control, and the Living Lab Conference

Workshop on User Involvement in the Innovation Process: A Living Lab Approach, 2008.

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Huiqiong Chen; Derek Reilly

GET-based map icon identification for Interaction with Maps and Kiosks Conference

CRV 2007, 2007.

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Derek Reilly; Greg Smolyn; Huiqiong Chen

Toward fluid, mobile, and ubiquitous interaction with paper using recursive 2D barcodes Conference

Pervasive 2007 Workshop on Pervasive Mobile Interaction Devices (PERMID), 2007.

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Derek Reilly; Kori Inkpen

White rooms and morphing don't mix: setting and the evaluation of visualization techniques Conference

CHI 2007, 2007.

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Derek Reilly; Malcolm Rodgers; Ritchie Argue; Michael Nunes; Kori Inkpen

Marked-up Maps: combining paper maps and electronic information resources Journal Article

In: Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 215–226, 2006.

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Susan Molloy; Neil Bose; Derek Reilly

A Sensitivity study of Ship Powering Prediction Using Monte Carlo Simulation Conference

Proceedings of MAHY 2006, Visahhapatnam, India, 2006.

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Derek Reilly

Is a paper map a mobile shared display? Conference

Workshop on Collaboration over paper and digital documents (CoPADD 2006), CSCW 2006, 2006.

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Derek Reilly; David Dearman; Vicki Ha; Ian Smith; Kori Inkpen

"Need to Know": Examining Information Need in Location Discourse Book Chapter

In: Fishkin, Kenneth P.; Scheile, Bernt; Nixon, Paddy; Quigley, Aaron (Ed.): Pervasive Computing: 4th International Conference, PERVASIVE 2006, Dublin, Ireland, May 7-10, 2006. Proceedings, pp. 33–49, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2006, ISBN: 978-3-540-33895-6.

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Derek Reilly; Kori Inkpen

"Give me that!": partitioning and extending maps for group navigation and planning Conference

CSCW 2006, 2006.

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Derek Reilly; Huiqiong Chen

Mobile Lenses: a Hybrid Approach to Direct Interaction with Maps and Kiosks Conference

Pervasive 2006 Workshop on Pervasive Mobile Interaction Devices (PERMID), 2006.

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Kirstie Hawkey; Melanie Kellar; Derek Reilly; Tara Whalen; Kori Inkpen

The proximity factor: impact of distance on co-located collaboration Conference

Proceedings of the 2005 international ACM SIGGROUP Conference on Supporting Group Work (GROUP 2005), Sanibel Island, USA, 2005.

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Derek Reilly; David Dearman; Michael Welsman-Dinelle; Kori Inkpen

Evaluating Early Prototypes in Context: Trade-offs, Challenges, and Successes Journal Article

In: IEEE Pervasive Computing, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 42–50, 2005.

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Derek Reilly; Michael Welsman-Dinelle; Colin Bate; Kori Inkpen

Just point and click?: using handhelds to interact with paper maps Conference

Proceedings of Mobile HCI 2005, Salzburg, Austria, 2005.

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Derek Reilly

Pointing, Pictures and Places. Pointer-based interaction with static real-world artefacts to express location-specific statements and queries Conference

UbiComp 2005 Doctoral Colloquium, Tokyo, Japan, 2005.

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Kori Inkpen; Kirstie Hawkey; Melanie Kellar; Regan Mandryk; Karen Parker; Derek Reilly; Stacey Scott; Tara Whalen

Exploring Display Factors that Influence Co-Located Collaboration: Angle, Size, Number, and User Arrangement Conference

Proceedings of HCI International 2005, Las Vegas, USA, 2005.

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Derek Reilly

Keeping up with Demand: Community Appropriation without Hacking Conference

Workshop on Designing for Community Appropriation, CHI 2005, 2005.

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Derek Reilly; Kori Inkpen

Map Morphing: Making Sense of Incongruent Maps Conference

Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2004, London, Canada, 2004.

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Susan Molloy; Neil Bose; Derek Reilly

Uncertainty Analysis of Powering Prediction Methods of Podded Propulsor Models Conference

Canadian Symposium on Fluid Dynamics 2004, 2004.

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Derek Reilly

Not in Karlsplatz anymore: Navigating cities together Conference

Ubicomp 2004 Workshop on Ubicomp in the Urban Frontier, Nottingham, England, 2004.

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Kirstie Hawkey; Melanie Kellar; Bonnie MacKay; Karen Parker; Derek Reilly

Designing a visual audience voting system Conference

CHI 2004, 2004.

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Derek Reilly

Marked-up maps: A mixed media approach to group navigation and information gathering Conference

International Workshop on Mobile and Ubiquitous Information Access 2014, 2004.

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Derek Reilly

Map morphing: Visualizing relationships between map views Conference

Poster Presentation at Graphics Interface 2003, 2003.

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141 entries « 3 of 3 »