A toolkit for AR and VR storytelling
Story CreatAR is a novel tool designed to support the creation of stories in Augmented Reality (AR) and and Virtual Reality (VR). It allows authors to add story elements (e.g., avatars, audio files, and objects such as beds and tables) and combine those story elements into conversations. Story CreatAR also allows authors to create and test events (avatar movement and timer events).
Crucially, Story CreatAR allows authors to specify the type of space an object should be placed in, and uses spatial analysis techniques to match these preferences with the physical space in which the story will be experienced—for example, a clue may be placed in a relatively inaccessible “hidden” space. By specifying the type of space rather than manually placing the objects, the stories become portable between different physical spaces while retaining strong links to the unique characteristics of each space.

The video below demonstrates how the story elements placement adapts as per the physical space. The author needs to specify the rules once, and the story element placement is updated automatically as per the different physical spaces.
Video link for Placement of Story Elements through Story CreatAR
Demonstration of a story created using Story CreatAR.
Video for StoryCreatAR Demonstration