VR Perspective Compensation Study

We are recruiting participants for a study exploring how people perceive the relative size of objects in virtual reality. This study will assess the effectiveness of different presentation techniques for comparing objects. Participants will be required use a Virtual Reality (VR) headset for thirty minutes and respond a series of questions during the session. Participants must be between the ages of 18 and 70 years old. According to the VR google health guidelines, participants cannot be pregnant or with a suspected pregnancy. They cannot be under the influence of drugs and alcohol at the time of the trials. They cannot have serious heart disease, suffer from frequent seizures or epilepsy, or have significant bifocal or mono-ocular vision problems.

The study will consist of a single session. In this session, you will meet with the researcher at the Graphics and Experiential Media (GEM) Lab, on the 4th floor of the Mona Campbell building, Dalhousie University. The session consists of training, two trials and a post experiment debriefing. This should take about 45 minutes to one hour. You will receive a $10 honorarium for your participation.

If you are interested in participating, please contact Juliano Franz (juliano.franz@dal.ca)

VR Perspective Compensation Study