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Sathaporn "Hubert" Hu

A Tablet + Augmented Reality Interface for Interactive Multiple Linear Regression with Geospatial Data PhD Thesis


Links | BibTeX | Tags: AR, ARTIV, immersive visualization, statistics


Sathaporn "Hubert" Hu; Derek Reilly

Comparative Glyph-Field Trajectory Analyses with an AR+Tablet Hybrid User Interface for Geospatial Analysis Tasks Proceedings Article

In: Normand, Jean-Marie; Sugimoto, Maki; Sundstedt, Veronica (Ed.): ICAT-EGVE 2023 - International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments, The Eurographics Association, 2023.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: ARTIV, immersive visualization, mobile

Sathaporn "Hubert" Hu; Derek Reilly

Parallax-based Glyph Composition Technique with Colour-Blending Glyphs Proceedings

The Eurographics Association, 2023.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: ARTIV, colour perception, immersive visualization, peripheral vision