GEM collaboration covered in Dal News and CBC

The Dal News recently included an article on the Psychogeographer’s Table. From the article:

… But it is the integration of digital imagery and holographic computing into the display that makes for a truly immersive experience. Dr. Lilley looked to Derek Reilly, head of the Graphics and Experiential Media (GEM) Lab in Dal’s Faculty of Computer Science and an expert in human-computer interaction, to make it happen.

Dr. Reilly worked with graduate students in the GEM Lab, including doctoral candidate Juliano Franz and postdoc Joseph Malloch, as well as members of NiS+TS to fine-tune the approach and technical development of the displays, which include historic and current maps of the impacted areas projected precisely over the tabletop’s curvy contours and another element where exhibition goers don a wearable Microsoft HoloLens unit to explore inside virtual buildings superimposed on the table.

Certain textbook historians may take issue when they see images of today’s Irving Shipyard pop up next to a sugar refinery that was reduced to rubble in the explosion, but for Dr. Reilly it’s these cut-and-paste montages that best capture the spirit of NiS+TS and their walks.

“Through our discussions, our perspective changed a lot,” he says. “We were less interested in reproducing or representing the Halifax Explosion and more interested in allowing people to explore across space and time various elements of the city that correspond in some way or have some relation to the explosion that may not be immediately obvious.”

The collaboration with NiS+TS was also covered by CBC Halifax.

GEM collaboration covered in Dal News and CBC